
As a playwright, Bryelle’s work is character driven - tackling the wild rollercoasters of interpersonal relationships, the comedy of being a human, and journeys of self-discovery. From traditional proscenium to immersive, her works aim to reach the hearts of audiences and celebrate the human experience. Her writing is timeless, emotional, and uplifting.

Bryelle is very interested in partnering with new companies / artists for her productions. If interested, please visit the contact tab or email her at

Snow & Frost (Coming Winter 2024)

Created by Susannah Baron and Bryelle Burgus.
Written by Bryelle Burgus.

On a cold winter night, a woman wanders into an Irish Pub - alone and distressed. With a drink on the house, and a hint of whimsy, the bartender attempts to lighten the mood - with a tale of winter folklore from long ago... As the story magically comes to life around them and their fellow patrons, the old world collides with the modern day bar. Immersed in a story of love, grief, loss, and adventure, will she find the answers she’s looking for?

Hawkshaw (In Development)

Created by Susannah Baron and Bryelle Burgus.
Written by Bryelle Burgus.

Hawkshaw is 3-hour immersive murder mystery that investigates interpersonal relationships, mental health, women’s health, and cold cases. Transported to an estate in 1901 by the guilt of those left behind, it explores the questions cold cases can raise, the secrets they can expose, and asks the audience to question how far we’ve come as a society.

Fairly Odd Attempts At Fulfilling Wishes

Written by Bryelle Burgus.

Fairly Odd Attempts At Fulfilling Wishes follows the journey of four fairies as they pursue their fairy godparent training at the Fairy World Training Center (F.W.T.C.). Their goal? To get their children to sixteen relatively unscarred…both physically and emotionally. Inspired by the 90s cartoon The Fairly OddParents, Fairly Odd Attempts At Fulfilling Wishes is a comedy about self-discovery, facing your fears, surpassing expectations, and being true to yourself.

2023 Reading, Overture Arts

Hell Week

Written by Bryelle Burgus.

Hell Week is a play about rehearsing for a play about rehearsing for a play. Following a group of actors and their director through tech week, the stress of the countdown to opening night exposes personal struggles, interpersonal relationships, and reveals how far we will go to succeed. From three different timelines, to ridiculous accents, to raging infernos, to endless arguments, and moments of heart-to-hearts, this comedy explores the intricacies of live theatre, why we each love it so much, and the families we create while doing it.